Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Veggies

I have always wanted to be a person that really gets into "fall" type veggies like the squash family. So instead of daydreaming about fall veggies, which is usually the extent of my attempts, I decided the other day I would actually try out a soup recipe from a cookbook I have that I like. It is a butternut squash pear soup. It was really successful and Jeremiah and I enjoyed two and a bit large soup meals from the recipe. It was so good when you dipped bread in it! Yum. So I am going to share the link with you all. Let me know what you think if you try it. It does take a bit of prep and cooking time, but if you have a day where you are at home, you can get other things done while the squash and pears are cooking! Oh and a little hint, if you use a full upright blender to mix the soup instead of an immersion blender, make sure the soup has cooled or do it small amounts at a time making sure the hot air can escape somehow. This will prevent a hot soup explosion which I learned from experience when I made soup awhile back. Do not do that! Also it doesn't really say when to add the cream, but I added when I mixed the soup. Makes sense I think!

Happy Cooking!

I can't get the link to work so just copy and past the following into your web browser! Hope that works:

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yum yum! I will have to try this out. They used to cook a pear squash soup in my college on campus, and I always LOVED it.