So today I made the BIG move of beginning to change my name over at various institutions. My driver's license is on its way with the new name of Amy Overland....Weird. At the registry place they asked me to sign my new name, then and there. All of a sudden it hit me, this was the moment that Amy Sorenson was no more. I hadn't thought of how to sign this new name, but I quickly scribbled something which is now my lifelong signature. Now don't get me wrong, I am very proud and excited to take on my new husband's name, however something deep inside me felt sad. It's almost like I must have a funeral or tribute to the existence of the Sorenson name, to properly make the switch. After deep breathing and kind coaching from Jeremiah however I was able to recover from my anxiety of this life changing moment in my life. But it is happening, my email, facebook and banking have made the switch. More than that, I was shopping at a great scrapbooking store, which I haven't been to before and they asked me (for purposes of their customer database) "What's your first name?" I replied quickly "Amy". They then followed with the inevitable second question "Great, and what's your last name?" I hesitated slightly, but knowing what needed to be done, I stood tall and boldly proclaimed "Overland!" So this it, scrapbookers paradise can prove it...I am Amy Overland, hear me roar!
NOTE: The title, (though maybe out of context, as my knowledge in Shakespear is limited), somehow gave me comfort that though my name has changed (which is beautiful, I love my husband's name) I am still ME, AMY, and a name, just like the rose which would smell sweet no matter what it be called, does not change who I if I am called Amy Sorenson, Amy Overland, James, Stika, Swazi, even Jason (random nickmames) I am ME! yay. I feel better now. But I still may need to have the memorial service :)
I changed my name as soon as we got back from the honeymoon too. It wasn't until months later when I accidentally called myself Sheena Halvorson that I realized I wasn't her anymore! I am also very proud to now be a Shepherd but it hit me quite hard to know that I have lost my connection to my family, my heritage, and the fact that people don't know who this new Sheena Shepherd is. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that we have the same last name (no hyphens or two different names to confuse our children) but it is a little sad sometimes.
Your honeymoon looked amazing!!! I am glad to hear that everything went smoothly and that you can now start to begin your lives together in your new place! You will have to post pics once you have moved in and become settled.
I am still having problems calling myself a Roste. It doesn't help that everyone pronounces it wrong and I am now Natasha Roast. It also doesn't help that i have changed my name everywhere except on my medical card so i do still call myself Hodgson sometimes... I spent 21 years as a Hodgson and I'm pretty sure it's going to take a few more to call myself a Roste.
I have shared with you before that I wish I had made my middle name Overland and then added my new last name. It would have been a way to hold on to my wonderful family name! Now, eight years into this thing, I feel it's too late to change EVERYTHING now -especially with immigration stuff. You are so new into this, that you could make Sorenson your middle name if you wanted to, that way you don't lose it forever... It's years down the road that there will be SOOO much to change over, that it may not feel worth it.
Oh boy...its quite a switch. Ît was so funny because just 7 months ago I introduced myself to someone as Johanna was so weird because I thought I actually became so used to the Haab name, after being married for over a year at that time. But , I will always be a Svee too...on the inside!
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